Our Sunburnt Country (AudiobookFormat, en-Zxxx-AU language, 2021, Macmillan Australia) 4 stars

Anika Molesworth fell in love with her family's farm, a sheep station near Broken Hill, …

en-Zxxx-AU, baby!

Dunno about everybody else perusing #BookWyrm book databases, but I find the shorthand much less irritating than words fixed firmly out of translation such that they clash with all but one language interface. Of course, not all language variants star in the language-subtag-registry, in which case I say name ’em in their own words! (Or close to as practicable). Getting to pointedly specify en-Latn, with nobody around yet to be potentially bothered by my acting as though particular scripts shouldn’t go without saying, has been one of the little joys of nesting into We Loved Your Book So Much We Ate It, actually. If I ever get to the braille library (gosh if it’s even still open to the public after all these years), I’ll be so excited to label editions on here nice and clearly.

Anyhoo, may I remember to reborrow audiobook loans part‐heard last year. Got the furthest with Our Sunburnt Country, leaving few enough hours I should be able to manage in one or two or three or four goes later this month, maybe?